Obstetric Outcomes Of Teenage Pregnancy Vs. Non-Teenage Pregnancy Patients.

Original Article


  • Lubna tahir
  • Aysha bibi
  • Kiran Jamshed
  • Seema Amin




Background:Teenage pregnancies contribute substantially to global health hazards, particularly in places like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Where social and economic conditions conspire to make unions between spouses early and their childbearing follows soon after. Despite initiatives to tackle this problem, restricted examination exists on the obstetric effects of adolescent pregnancies in this territory

Objective This retrospective study analyzed obstetric outcomes and complications between teenage mothers aged 14 to 18 and older mothers aged 19 to 36 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The aim was to compare risks between the two groups.

Study design: a retrospective study.

Place and duration of study. Department of Gynecology D.H.Q. Hospital Timarghra from 05 march 2021 to 05 February 2022 

Material and Methods:

A retrospective study was conducted in kpk, Pakistan, from Department of Gynecology  D.H.Q. Hospital Timarghra from 05 march 2021 to 05 February 2022 all 14-18-year-olds who gave birth in the two hospitals had obstetric outcomes compared to non- adolescent women (19-36). chi-square and students' t-tests were used with a 0.05significance level.

Results: out Of the 910 births, 128 (14.1%) non-teenage moms, teenage mothers had higher rates of serious anaemia (7.5 vs 4.1%), chorioamnionitis (2.6 vs 0.6%), and post-maturity (4.6 vs 1.8%) and meconium inhalation syndrome (6.5 vs 2.4%), respectively. Teenagers were less prone than adults to be overweight. Instrumental deliveries are more common in teenagers (7.1% vs 2.2%, p 0.01). Preterm birth, low birth weight babies, rds, and neonatal and foetal deaths did not vary substantially between the two groups.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that teenage pregnancies are associated with a higher risk of severe anaemia, chorioamnionitis, post maturity and meconium aspiration syndrome compared to non-teenage pregnancies. Preterm delivery, low birth weight infant, R.D.S., and fetal and perinatal death were not significantly different between the two groups. The results of this study suggest that teenage mothers need to be provided with appropriate obstetric care to reduce their risk of poor outcomes.

Keywords: obstetric, outcomes, teenage, non-teenage, pregnancy, a retrospective study, Pakistan




How to Cite

Lubna tahir, Aysha bibi, Kiran Jamshed, & Seema Amin. (2023). Obstetric Outcomes Of Teenage Pregnancy Vs. Non-Teenage Pregnancy Patients.: Original Article . Pakistan Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research , 1(01), 19–22. https://doi.org/10.69837/pjammr.v1i01.8