Understanding The Effectiveness Of Virtual Reality In Medical Training A Prospective Observation Study.

Original Article


  • Allah Noor
  • Arif Ullah




Virtual Reality, Training, Simulink, Health, Education


Background: Most traditional medical education and training do not involve encouraging experiences of learning through play and play inasmuch as they should for the learner. As a medium, Virtual Reality (VR) enables practice with realistic consequences and enables mistakes that can be costly in the real word and this may improve the learning process.

 Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess what Virtual Reality (VR) training has to offer medical students in terms of knowledge endowed, skills developed and confidence gained as well as to compare the outcomes of using VR against conventional training in  HMC and MMC Hospital Peshawar

 Study Design: A Prospective Observation Study.

  Place and Duration of Study: Department of Ent HMC Peshawar for the period of 5th July,2022 to 5th December 2022

 Methods: Of 200 medical students, 120 students engaged in VR training from January up to December of the year 2022. Some of the topics included in the program where the anatomy, surgeries as well as emergency. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the training was done by comparing pre-training and post-training tests, practical tests, and the questionnaires filled in by the groups.

 Results: Out of 200 students with a mean age of, 22. 5 years ± 2. Knowledge retention for the year was increased by 35( percentage)% (p< 0. 01). The over-all competency, in particular the Practical competencies showed an improvement of 40% (p < 0. 01). Confidence increased were seen received; 85% of students felt more ready to face real life situations. The feedback received for the training done in the VR platform was positive as the participants appreciated the fact that the training was fun and informative.

 Conclusion: the study showed that the application of VR training improves the general performance, practical expertise, and student satisfaction. The availability of peripheral information in VR makes it useful in courses for medical education; the incorporation of virtual reality in clinical teaching provides students preclinical experience to prepare for clinical practice.

 Keywords: Virtual Reality, Training, Simulink, Health, Education





How to Cite

Allah Noor, & Arif Ullah. (2024). Understanding The Effectiveness Of Virtual Reality In Medical Training A Prospective Observation Study. : Original Article . Pakistan Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 2(02), 175–181. https://doi.org/10.69837/pjammr.v2i02.43